Seasonal Product Calendar
We have a unique selection of items—many can be customized for your company logo or customer names.
Use our calendar for planning your monthly/seasonal promotions. Many of our products fit into more than one season or holiday, so contact us to help you plan a successful event! Contact us for more ideas!
1/1 New Years Day
1/19 Martin Luther King Day
Black History Month
2/1 Super Bowl
2/2 Groundhog Day
2/4 Valentines Day
2/9 Mardi Gras
2/16 Presidents Day
2/19 Chinese New Year
National Nutrition Month
Red Cross Month
National Womens History Month
3/6 Employee Appreciation Day
3/8 International Womens Day
3/17 St. Patricks Day
4/1 April Fools Day
4/3 Good Friday
4/5 Easter
4/6 Baseball Opening Day (MLB)
4/7 World Health Day
4/15 Tax Day
4/22 Earth Day
4/24 Arbor Day
National Barbecue Month
National Bike Month
National Hamburger Month
5/1 May Day
5/5 Cinco de Mayo
5/6 National Nurses Day
5/10 Mothers Day
5/16 Armed Forces Day
5/25 Memorial Day
6/6 D-Day
6/14 Flag Day
6/15 US Open begins
6/21 Fathers Day
National Ice Cream Month
8/2 International Friendship Day
8/6 State Fair begins (WI)
8/21 National Senior Citizens Day
9/6 NFL Football Season Begins
9/7 Labor Day
9/11 Patriot Day
9/12 Deer Archery Season begins (WI)
9/12 Turkey Fall Hunt begins (WI)
9/13 National Grandparents Day
9/19 Oktoberfest begins
9/21 International Day of Peace
9/25 National Native American Day
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
MLB World Series--Visit our Tailgate Bling & Fur website!
10/1 World Vegetarian Day
10/10 Youth Deer Hunt weekend (WI)
10/12 Columbus Day
10/16 Boss' Day
10/31 Halloween
Peanut Butter Lovers Month
11/3 Election Day
11/6 National Nacho Day
11/11 Veterans Day
11/19 Great American Smoke-Out
11/26 Thanksgiving
11/27 Black Friday
11/30 Cyber Monday
12/1 World AIDS Day
12/6 St. Nicholas Day
12/6 Hanukkah Begins
12/7 Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
12/10 Human Rights Day
12/14 Hanukkah Ends
12/25 Christmas--SEE BELOW!
12/31 New Years Eve
Christmas Holiday Items
Contact us for more promotion and gift ideas!